Are you looking for the best cruise Instagram captions and quotes? Well look no further! In this guide we round up the best cruise captions for couples, cruise pun captions and funny cruise quotes alongside the best song lyrics and famous quotes about cruising that are sure to get you likes!
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I love a cruise and I love sharing my cruise photos with family and friends on Instagram alongside my favorite quotes about cruising and the best cruise captions.
But before you get to that why not check out our other instagram captions, hashtags and quotes for your other vacation snaps!
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Best Cruise Instagram Captions
In this section we will tell you the best general and cute cruise instagram captions no matter where you are sailing.
Let your dreams set sail
Life is better on a cruise
I never stop thinking about cruising.
If I am not on a cruise ship… I am dreaming about one.
Life is too short to stay on land.
Paradise awaits.
Living the cruise life
Life is too short to stay on land.
Don’t jump ship. Stay the course.
Home is where the anchor drops
Bon voyage!
Life is short. Take a cruise.
Life is better on the open sea.
Cruising is good for my soul.
Home is where the waves are.
Life is better on the water.
Sunsets and cruise days.
Happiness is a day at sea.
Meet me where the sky touches the sea.
Find a beautiful place to drop your anchor.
I left my heart in so many ports.
Good vibes and happy tides.
Sunsets are always better on a cruise.
Cruise Puns captions and funny cruise quotes

Best Cruise Instagram Ca
In this section we turn our attention to funny cruise quotes and cruise pun captions that are sure to have people Lol’ing as they scroll your feed.
My doctor says I need more vitamin sea in my life, I agree.
What happens on a cruise stays on the cruise.
Cruise hair don’t care
Sea you soon.
Caution: I bought the alcohol package.
Oh ship! It’s a family trip.
Seas the day
Sea La Vie
Ship Happens
What’s up, dock?
Born to cruise. Forced to work.
When life gets complicated. Go on a cruise.
No cruise control.
Cruise calories don’t count.
Don’t anchor-age me
Time to get ship faced
Ship shape
To be honest, I don’t give a ship.
To Friend-ship
No more stern faces
Getting nauti on the cruise.
A bad day on a cruise is better than a good day anywhere else.
Keep calm and carry on cruising
All I need is some vitamin sea.
Sea therapy.

first time disney cruise tips
This week I don’t give a ship.
Let’s rock this boat
Yo ho to ho its a cruiser’s life for me
If found return to a cruise ship
Cruise days and buffet haze.
I like big boats and I cannot lie.
We shore did!
Ocean air, salty hair.
Feeling salty.
Here to drink like a sailor
Just a little pier pressure
Fulling our fanta-seas
Girls just wanna have sun
Money doesn’t buy happiness…. but it can buy a cruise trip!
Cruise ship vibes.
Cruise selfie time.
Eat. Sleep. Cruise. Repeat.
Happy cruising season.
Cruising mode: ON
All hands on deck!
When in doubt, book a cruise.
Romantic cruise captions for couples

Tips for Cruising While Pregnant – How to Take a Babymoon Cruise
This romantic cruise captions for couples are absolutely perfect for those on a honeymoon cruise, anniversary cruise or even a babymoon cruise.
Sailaway with me
Let’s sail off into the sunset
We shore did!
I Ship Us!
Best Cruise Quotes for Instagram
While these quotes can be used whatever cruise line you are sailing on we also have some specific line captions for you to check out such as:
“A man is never lost at sea.” — Ernest Hemingway
“Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than those you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr. usually incorrecly attributed to Mark Twain
“It is not that life ashore is distasteful to me. But life at sea is better.” ― Sir Francis Drake, English Explorer
“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” ― Christopher Columbus, Italian Explorer
The days pass happily with me wherever my ship sails.” — Joshua Slocum, First Person to Single-Hand Circumnavigate
The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” ― Jacques Yves Cousteau,
“it’s always our self we find in the sea.”— E.E. Cummings
“Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit.” – Brooks Atkinson
There is nothing more enticing, disenchanting, and enslaving than the life at sea.” — Joseph Conrad
“The journey, not the arrival matters.”– T.S. Eliot
“I’m not afraid of storms for I’m learning how to sail my ship.”– Louisa May Alcott
“The cure for anything is saltwater – sweat, tears, or the sea.”– Isak Dinesen
“There is no unhappiness like the misery of sighting land again after a cheerful, careless voyage.”– Mark Twain
“If one doesn’t know to which port one is sailing, no port is favorable.”– Lucius Annaneus Seneca
“May your adventures bring you closer together, even as they take you far away from home.” –Trenton Lee Stewart
“No literature is richer than that of the sea. No story more enthralling, no tradition is more secure.”– Felix Riesenberg
“We are tied to the ocean, and when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch, we are going back from whence we came.”– John F. Kennedy
“You haven’t lived until you’ve sailed.” – David Sedaris
“The gladdest moment in human life, me thinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton
“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag
“I wanted freedom, open air, and adventure. I found it on the sea.” – Alaine Gerbault,
Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board.”– Zora Neale Hurston
Film Quotes about Cruising

What to do on Cruise Sea Days
It always surprises that there aren’t more movies set on cruise ships. However here are some of my favorite quotes about cruising and sailing form films.
“Now…bring me that horizon.” — Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean
Who’s ready to party on the big boat besides me? – Annie, Speed 2
“This boat has everything” –Jill, Jack and Jill
Lyrics about cruising
“Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.”— Van Morrison
“See the line where the sky meets the sea, it calls me” – Moana
“Sailing takes me away to where I’ve always heard it could be. Just a dream and the wind to carry me, and soon I will be free.” – Christopher Cross
Do you have a favorite Instagram cruise caption? We’d love to hear it in the captions.